Moose's March
Dedicated to the Early Detection of Pet Cancer

Cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs over 2 years of age in the US

Pets over the age of 10 are 50% more likely to develop cancer

6 million dogs and
6 million cats are diagnosed with pet cancer each year
The Facts
Early Detection...
Through the generous support of donors and sponsors, Moose’s March provides funding for pre-cancer screening tests to animal shelters and veterinary clinics in underprivileged communities, at or below the poverty line, as determined by federal guidelines.
By focusing on communities with fewer resources, Moose’s March bridges an enormous gap, offering a lifeline for pets through innovative early detection methods that will help to improve the lives of pets and their owners in these areas.
The Hope

Our Mission
Moose’s March is dedicated to the early detection of pet cancer, aiming for better outcomes and an extended quality of life. In short, we are “Marching for More Memories.”
“We are the only NFP concentrating exclusively on the early identification of pet cancer.
We’re uniquely positioned in the market.”


Moose was rescued from a really bad home. He’d been abused, chained outside for long periods with no food or water. Scared and hungry, heartworm positive, ribs protruding, legs splayed and paws cattywampus, his ears had been cut in a “battle-crop” to make him look mean. But my Moose is a lover, not a fighter.
When I found Moose at the Humane Society, my heart melted. I adopted him on the spot and from that day on we were inseparable. We walked together, laughed and played together for many years. He was my love...he was my heart.
But Moose began feeling sickly. I noticed a few lumps on his neck, legs and tummy. I took him to a several doctors, but it was too late. My precious Moose crossed the Rainbow Bridge on May 14, 2022 of Stage 4 Lymphoma. I miss him terribly.
I created Moose’s March in his honor, hoping and praying his memory will live on by helping other pets survive and other owners avoid the heartache of losing their best friend.
Tricia Montgomery / Moose’s mom
Moose’s March takes a multifaceted approach to education and outreach. Through strategic partnerships, we harness the expertise of leading professionals in the field.
Our active social media presence disseminates valuable information to engage a broad audience. Informative webinars provide in-depth knowledge and interactive learning.
Participation in tradeshows allows for direct engagement with the community,
while our various co-branding opportunities enable synergistic collaborations with like-minded organizations and businesses.
These efforts underscore our commitment to to the early detection of pet cancer.