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Our Mission
Moose’s March funds public awareness and supports pets & their people impacted by pet cancer that strikes over 6 million cats and 6 million dogs each year.

Help Those Most In Need
This fund was created in honor of Moose P. Montgomery. Moose passed away of Stage 4 Lymphoma on May 14, 2022, his memory will live on helping other pets and their people who can least afford care.
While we can never love, cherish, or appreciate their life enough, this is our way of continuing the memory of Moose and his legacy by supporting those impacted by pet cancer.
Your donation will help fund treatment and increase public awareness.

Moose’s Story
My mom rescued me from Paws Humane Society during the BISSELL Pet Foundation event after my brothers and I were picked up by Columbus Animal Care & Control Center from a really really bad house. I don’t know much about it because I was chained outside for a long time with no food or water, but remember I was really scared and hungry.
I was an underdog and a hot mess. Heartworm positive, ribs protruding, legs that were splayed and paws that were cattywampus, but one look from my mom and her heart melted and so did mine.
The people also cut off my ears in a “battlecrop” to make me look mean and to make sure my ears wouldn’t be damaged in a fight. Since I was the runt, I got picked on because I wasn’t a fighter or mean, and just wanted to be loved. I was also heartworm positive and didn’t feel that good, which made it even worse. I was my mom’s birthday present, (best gift ever!) and I stayed through the weekend, and I never left. She was my heart, my glue and I never left her side. (we Pitbulls are loyal that way)
I started not feeling good and my mom noticed all kinds of lumps on my neck, the back of my legs and my tummy. She took me to a bunch of doctors, including Auburn University, but sadly it was too late. We talked about it a lot, and my mom cried for days and weeks and held me tight. I knew I didn’t feel good, but when she started to cry, I knew I needed to be the strong one, I mean I am a Pitbull! All my friends came by to see me and even though I didn’t feel good, I knew it was important for them.
Finally, I knew it was time, I had to let go of my mom and she had to let go of me.
I crossed the Rainbow Bridge and now I am playing with all kinds of dogs. There are only rainbows, treats and blue skies. I miss my mom terribly, but here there is no pain, sadness, or suffering.
Love, Moose

We hope Moose’s story has inspired you to help save pets’ lives.
Please help us by donating and joining our like-minded Pet Family.
Moose's March Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, dedicated to early detection of pet cancer and providing support and resources for pets and their parents.
© 2023 Mooses March. All rights reserved.
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